Jim Walker Jim Walker

Rockypaths Reflections

It all begins with an idea.

  1. At work, know, and understand your role, from there your greatest performance can begin to evolve

  2. Knowing and connecting to your company vision is an important link to career success 

  3. Working in a Silo can be a lonely place……

  4. Put healthy food in your body; it may be your greatest investment

  5. Each morning, first thing you do look into the mirror; and see perfection, now you can take on your day!!

  6. Try to be your best at work each day, then even not so great days can be fulfilling

  7. There is doing your best and being your best, which are you today?

  8. Creating your individual career path can an uplifting experience

  9. Be accountable to yourself for what you know, say, and do

  10. You are appreciated, and loved for who you are, not who you may be trying to be, rest assured others know the difference.

  11. Positive energy occurs when you are the one who helps resolve a conflict, not enflames it

  12. Creating a process, communicating and following it will give you sustainable energy 

  13. Smile, and be a fun person to be at work with

  14. Life experience and technical expertise can be a dynamic duo; be open to sharing your expertise where needed

  15. Creating a great workplace starts with me, each day

  16. Get your backpack together!!  It’s on you to be as organized as possible

  17. Expecting great communication is reasonable; I should model my expectations

  18. Be proactive with what you know…..not so much with what you feel

  19. Being a good listener is a skill, are your practicing?

  20. Being self-confident in who you are can be a shield to external and internal negativity, trust yourself

  21. You can you can, if you think you can

  22. Feeling down today? Giving a sincere compliment to others is your elixir 

  23. Being a Boss can be a lonely place…. take time to thank others for their leadership

  24. Are you waiting for 100% certainty? Be confident in your ability…others are waiting for your excellence…not perfection

  25. Each day there is an incredible opportunity to make a difference in your life, usually by helping someone else

  26. A smooth life road provides time for rest, not to stop evolving  

  27. Today, be the person you think you want to be, how does it feel?

  28. A person is often hired for what they have already done, be a pleasant surprise and show you are capable of much more 

  29. Over the years you have created a personal brand; do you know yours?

  30. Having self-awareness in moments of stress or pressure is a wonderful skill to develop

  31. Sucking the energy from others will not provide you with sustainable fulfillment; that comes from with-in

  32. There is great value in your passion and insight; timing its use is the challenge

  33. Be approachable; the gateway to your greatest idea, desired outcome, or your true destiny will likely come from someone else

  34. Lessen the ego; increase the empathy and understanding

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